Due to a successful first year in business, along with confirmed commissions in the pipeline, we are proud to be upgrading our equipment at Dan Gentle Art Foundry in Goomalling, Western Australia.
"We have added a sand-mixer, overhead gantry crane and a larger furnace"
Pictured from top left, clockwise: Dan Gentle cutting metal for the new furnace; constructing the new furnace; lining the furnace with ceramic blanket insulation; overhead gantry crane; sand-mixer; hopper for feeding sand into the sand-mixer.
Our new additions include a sand-mixer for sand casting; overhead powered gantry crane for heavy lifting; and a larger furnace with a 300kg melt capacity. This new equipment will expand our casting services to include Sand Casting as well as Lost Wax Investment Casting.
Dan Gentle has ten years' experience using the Sand Casting method and thirty years' experience in Lost Wax Investment Casting. Both methods serve different purposes and we are grateful to now have more options to offer our clients.
Large sculptural pieces will be welcomed, with the ability to melt and pour more metal at one time, opening opportunities for large-scale public art.
Our facility upgrade also required an electrical upgrade with a new generator, wiring and lighting. In addition to this, we purchased a 6.7 metre long trailer to transport finished sculptures, equipment and materials.

Pictured above: Our upgrade includes the purchase of a 6.7 metre long trailer
Looking forward to a fantastic second year of business.
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